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Decalinks [internal Android App]

Location of opportunity area and Creation Of an App

From Jan 2019 to Jul 2019, I worked at Decathlon Spain. (as a University Program). One of the oportunities i had to, was to integrate and understand Scrum/Agile process and finf oportunities areas inside the Company.

My coworker and i found a big area where interns were using App made in Make Inventor and a Google sheets to find links asociated to the everyday work so they needed to open this sheet/App to search Internal Links (URLs)

We Created a Native Android App, connected to Firebase (Realtime) they can have a betther app experience, add favorites items and Darkmode. In the other hand, we created a little Admin Site where One person cloud edit the App Links information

I coded almost all the application but it was a facinating workteam due to the fact that we aplied Agile to fint the oportunity area and making all the Google Cloud Setup