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ePesos Android App

Mateinance, Improvement and App Deploymen

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From September 2019, i've participated in the ePesos Intern Program, due to this opportunity, i have collaborated with the ePesos technology team.

Assigned to the “ePesos App” project, I developed and ended on February 14, 2020 with a first version of an Android application that covers most of the needs of current ePesos customers, integrating services such as:

  • Purchase of Airtime
  • Withdraw
  • Notifications Viewer
  • Summary Viewer
  • Chat integration for support

With a development time of 4 months, Integrate cutting-edge tools developed in Kotlin, using Android Jetpack Libraries.

Some examples are integration of ModelView, Android KTX, Navigation, Permissions, Palette within a fragment based application.

Thanks to the development of this app, we hope that our users find another way to interact with our services. Many thanks to ePesos for this opportunity!